Pakistan’s Trump Card

Pakistan is a country which is full of natural & mineral resources, but I am not going to talk about exploiting these resources as Pakistan is an underdeveloped country (UDC), she lacks the resources, machinery, skills & the technical knowledge to exploit these resources. These Resources may be the Ace’s that we possess in our hand but they certainly cannot, help us to defeat problem of Terrorism. Terrorism is not just the problem of Pakistan, but rather a global issue which is currently irking the Western Powers(USA & Europe) but the problem here seems to be that Pakistan is fighting this war alone, as the lives of innocent people are being jeoperdised by the Government & the Army on the expense of friendly ties with USA & the West.

As we Know that Pakistan is not only suffering from terrorism, being an UDC; Pakistan has to face various problems like unemployment, poverty, corruption, etc. & the international community is also not playing its part well. As Pakistan has taken quite a lot of loans in the past from the World Bank, Asian Development Bank & the International Monetary Fund(IMF), these institutions are further creating hurdles for Pakistan by pressurising on the the issue of repayment of loans by increasing the interest rates. As a result inflation has risen in the country, distracting its leadership from the actual menace of terrorism.

Now lets suppose, what if Pakistan were to apply a ‘Tit for Tat’ attitude against these ‘Western Powers’. Didn’t get what I said?, alright here let me clarify a bit. If Pakistan were to raise this issue of Terrorism in UN Security Council & relate it to the monetary issues, I am sure that we can Waive off at least 40% of our foreign loans. All Pakistan has to do is to conduct a good bargain ‘Terrorists in exchange for relief in foreign loans’. Deal or no Deal its up to the USA & the West to decide that. As a matter of fact I feel that we have an upper hand in this Issue; as Pakistan is a Nuclear Power & the only Muslim country to possess such technology & I am confident the USA & the West are not too naive to attack a Nuclear Islamic Republic Backed by the so called Taliban & vast majority of Civilians who by far also hate the USA (due to its supportive policies towards Israel)

Pakistan is in a situation of Die or Die trying. If we continue to support the US & the West in the War against Terrorism, it will do no good to the country as people are already dieing under the pressure of inflation & unemployment, but if we support the Taliban directly; the UNO Sanctions will murder the country’s Economy & Population. In my opinion, a little jolt in the UN Council will do us no harm on the contrary we might win the war from both ends.

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  • June 2010
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